There are plenty of opportunities throughout the school year to support Eaton with your time. Short on time but want to get involved? Check this page for updates. We will post sign-up opportunities for discreet blocks of time. It's a great way to support the school and get to know other families in the Eaton community. Thank you for your support!
Committee Chairs
We are still seeking committee chairs to help organize some our great community events! Specifically we need chairs (or co-chairs) for the Block Party, Volunteer Recruitment, Auction, New Parent Buddy Program, Kiss and Go and School Directory. If you're interested in taking on these leadership roles, please signup here!
Committee Chairs
We are still seeking committee chairs to help organize some our great community events! Specifically we need chairs (or co-chairs) for the Block Party, Volunteer Recruitment, Auction, New Parent Buddy Program, Kiss and Go and School Directory. If you're interested in taking on these leadership roles, please signup here!