Support Eaton Together (SET)

The Annual Giving Fund - Support Eaton Together (SET) is the foundation of our fundraising efforts at John Eaton Elementary. Each family is asked to make a contribution to support additional programming at every grade level. Our Enrichment Program, class field trips, musical instruments, science equipment, books, technology and much more are funded by your generous contributions. Contribute today!
The John Eaton HSA is a registered 501(c)(3) and donations can be deducted as such (EIN: 52-1067080).
The John Eaton HSA is a registered 501(c)(3) and donations can be deducted as such (EIN: 52-1067080).
Support Eaton with your Time

The active Eaton parent community helps make John Eaton ES a standout school. There are many different ways to get involved and support the school, the teachers, and our children. Volunteering is a great way to get to know other families in the community. Consider becoming a Room Parent or volunteering for Kiss & Go. Throughout the year there are key fundraisers that require support. We need YOU! Welcome to a special community!
Please volunteer here.
Please volunteer here.
Shop to Support Eaton

Did you know that you can support Eaton by the shopping you do anyway? We have established partnerships with merchants that provide additional money for the school at no extra cost to you! Click here to learn more!
Become a Friend of John Eaton Elementary School

Become a Friend of John Eaton Elementary School and invest in the future of this wonderful neighborhood school that serves nearly 500 children from across the District of Columbia. We are thankful to have the continued support of so many of our neighbors, alumni, and families of alumni. Become a Friend today!